Q: Are most of your shows sold out?
A: You may see a line of people outside our door, but the Loma has only ever had 3 sellouts in the four years of being open. If you are concerned about not being able to buy a ticket near showtime, you have the option to purchase tickets in advance at our box office or online at https://www.atomtickets.com/theaters/the-loma-theater/12346
Q: Do NMT students get into shows for free?
A: The Loma Theater does not grant free admission to Tech students, but we do offer a student discount. There are many free student shows throughout the school year sponsored by student groups. Contact NMT Student Government Association for details.
Q: Why don't you show more than one movie at a time, and why do you keep the same movie for two weeks or longer?
A: We book our movies through the movie studios. They set the terms for what we can show and for how long.
Q: When did the theater reopen and who actually owns it?
A: The theater was reopened November 1, 2017. First State Bank owns the actual theater, NMT remodeled and has provided the equipment for the theater, and the business itself is owned by On the Break Entertainments, LLC.
Q: Why are you only open on the weekends?
A: We are considered a "weekend theatre" by the movie industry. As Socorro grows, the needs for a "calendar theater" (open 365 days a year) will be considered.
Q: How many seats are in the theater?
A: 217
Q: Can I rent out the theater for a private showing? Do you offer field trips for schools?
A: Email lomatheater.com for rental details. We offer schools special discounts for field trips.
Q: Why do some movies have black bars on each side of the picture?
A: Movies are filmed in either scope format or flat format. Movies filmed in flat format will have bars on each side.
Q: Why are free movie passes considered "free" but cost $8.00 to purchase?
A: Customers who purchase movie passes are not reselling the passes, but are typically buying them to give away to someone else as a gift or prize. Thus, the person receiving the pass could use it to get into any movie for free.
Q: Do I have to stay and watch the movie with my child, or can I drop them off?
A: The Loma will not be responsible or held liable to care for your child. Bearing this in mind, our safety/age policy is as follows:
Shows beginning after 5pm:
Youth 16 and older may attend the feature without an adult, ID must be provided.
Youth 15 and under must be with an adult 21 years or older, ID must be provided by the adult. The adult must stay throughout the movie. If the adult leaves, they must take all youth they came with that are 15 and under with them.
For movies exhibited before 5pm, a parent may "sign in" their child.
We encourage Socorro parents to attend the movie with their children and use the opportunity to educate on how to behave in a public theater. It's also a great time with your child to create happy memories!
Q: Are you hiring?
A: Because many (but not all) of our teammates are students, our staff is constantly changing. Please feel free to fill out an application with us. We keep these on file and you may be called in for an interview.